February 14, 2012

Love from Georgia

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
   my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
  i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by
  only me is your doing, my darling)-E.E.Cummings

Love hearts in my cappuccino on Valentine's Day.

The past twelve hours have been extremely warm and fuzzy. So, if you are not in the mood to read lovey dovey things about my family and sorority sisters, I encourage you to find another blog.

I received a call from my mom last night. She's always been my closest friend, so hearing her voice is always a treat. 

As usual, the phone got passed around to various members of the family.

First, it went to my youngest brother, Andrew. Andrew turned 11 on Friday (unbelievable). Last night was the first chance I got to speak to him and it was entertaining (like always). Here is the gist of our conversation:

Me: I can't believe you are 11. That's two hands plus a finger! It would be cool if you had an extra finger on one hand, that way you would still be two hands. 
Andrew: My fourth grade teacher was born with two extra fingers. They had to be "suffocated" off. I had nightmares when she told us. 

I die.

Then I talked to Ashley, who is just as funny. 

Ashley: What did you have for dinner?
Me: Pizza.
Ashley: Your birthday is so soon!
Me: Yes, it is!
Ashley: How old will you be?
Me: 21
Ashley: Ohhhh. So you can drink alcohol?
Me: Yeah, I guess that's what it means.
Ashley: Well, you can do anything through Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13.

To add to this fuzziness, I received a birthday care package from my amazing sisters of Alpha Delta Pi.
The package contained two Easy Macs, a Reeses, a taco dinner kit, my favorite razor that Scotland doesn't sell, ADPi-tastic socks, koolaid packets that will be perfect for my 21st festivities, a magazine and, most importantly, letters. 

Right now, I am sitting on the bed, covered in glitter from Andrea and Kirby's letter, crying like a baby. Each person had such sweet things to say. 

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful support system back home. Thanks to everyone for your love. 


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