May 01, 2012

Oh my meme.

I just had to make a meme about studying abroad in Scotland...of course finals week is the perfect time to do it!

1. First of all, most of my friends think I'm in Ireland or England...It's definitely Scotland. Second, they think I am sightseeing and doing touristy things. I think that's what normal study abroad kids do, but I'm here with my boyfrand so we go on fun dates instead! 

2. I think the picture explains itself...there's something about studying abroad that makes people think of going wild.

3. I only go to school two days per week...and the other five are spent doing everything but studying. Sorry I'm not sorry.

4. I can't tell you how many times I had to explain to people that I was not coming over here to get engaged or get married...My dad said that the only way he would let me go is if I promised him I wouldn't get married over here...haha

5. I couldn't decide between freezing or sleeping for number 5. Actually one leads to the other. Because I am literally freezing my bum off, I tend to cuddle in the bed, which leads to sleep. I think Ian's family might think I'm a hermit. I'm not, I'm just really cold.

On another note, I saw a FOX on the way to the gym today. It's so weird to me that an animal like that is found all over a big city like Glasgow. Apparently they flocked here for the food...I guess we had the same motives! 
They are pretty much the American equivalent of squirrels...nuts! (haha)

On yet another note, I told a girl at the gym I liked her pants. She looked at me really weird, then I remembered pants=underwear in Scotland...basically I told a girl I liked her panties...oopsies. 

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