November 18, 2011

40 Days and 40 Nights...of uncertainty.

Let's see, as of right now, 40 days prior to my departure, I have no idea:
1.) What classes I'm going to take
2.) What books I will need
3.) How much this is going to cost my parents
4.) How I'm going to get all of my stuff there

and worst of all:


Yep, I'm crazy huh?

Apparently it is common to not receive acceptance from the "Uni" until right before your departure. Regardless, I am a planner, and planners don't like uncertainty. It definitely freaks me out knowing I have booked (an expensive) flight and no idea if I can actually study there.
Good things come to those who wait...right? RIGHT?!

As far as classes go, I finally received a list of classes that I can take (however, I won't have a clue about what I'm actually taking until I get over there). Apparently, I can take America: Land of the Free?, American Politics, and American TV History...'Merica!

I will be allowed to stay over there for six months on a "Student Visitor Pass." Because I am not getting the full-blown visa, I won't be allowed to work. My parents have said they will help me out each month, but I don't think they realize how bad the exchange rate is. For example, if they put 200 USD in my account, I will get 100 pounds...not good. As much as it's going to kill me, I don't plan on shopping a lot. I really need money for a cell phone and train pass...and wine...plenty of wine.

As some of you may know, I love my clothes/shoes/scarves/boots/jewelry/coats a lot. Every single day I wonder how I am going to fit all of it! Right now, I plan on taking two big suitcases, 1 rolly carry-on and a big purse. The extra suitcase will cost me $50, but I am actually more worried about what is family is going to think.

4 bags = DIVA.

I hope you are all keeping your fingers crossed for me. This has already been a crazy experience and I'm not even there yet.


1 comment:

  1. I want to take a class on 'Merica! Everything will work itself out. (You haven't wronged anyone recenctly, have you?)
