December 14, 2011

Goodbyes (Part I)

I was looking over my notes for my final and I had a countdown on the top of my notes. It seems so crazy that at one point, we still had 72 days left. Now, I leave in 14 days!

Yesterday, I moved out of the ADPi house, which was a bittersweet moment. I feel like my time with friends was rushed, but I know I will enjoy my time at home.

Although there are some things I really won't miss (at all) about Mercer, I really wish I could pack up my friends and bring them along.

Things that I will NOT miss about Mercer
1. Terrible professors. This past semester, three out of the five professors I had were TERRIBLE, which normally isn't the case at Mercer. I hope that won't be the case next semester!
2. Macon. I don't think I need to elaborate on that.
3. Ian isn't there! I know, cheesy.

Things that I WILL miss about Mercer
1. Friends.
2. ADPi.
3. SGA.
4. Having a job.

There was so many last minute details that I had to complete before leaving. Moving away for six months means you have to change your magazine subscriptions (haha), get six months worth of medicine, get six months worth of contacts, find someone you trust (Kivi) to handle your mail, cancel your housing contract...

                                        Empty room ready for little Miss Morgan McCombs!

I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing holiday! My next post will probably be from Scotland!


  1. So my goal from now on is to comment on all of your posts so you will know how much I miss you (already!) Your Christmas present didn't come in in time for me to give it to you, so I am going to mail it to you in SCOTLAND! :) Love you!

  2. Eek!! Can't wait :)
    Also, have a wonderful Spring deserve it!

  3. Kelsey!!! It's only 5 days til Stu and I get married and 10 til you are in town, and let me tell you I am mega excited about both. I know you must be a bit apprehensive about the trip but we are honestly all looking forward to having you:) and as far as work goes Stu and I would be more than happy to throw a bit of babysitting work your way haha! Have a lovely Xmas at home and see you very soon girl x x x x x x
