January 11, 2012

Glasgow Glam

On Saturday, we decided to hit the town of "Glasvegas."

Going out in Glasgow is a strange and sometimes frightening experience. The fashion, smoke machines, and techno music makes the experience intimidating. Going out in the States, consists of going to a friend's apartment, then catching the trolley downtown to a bar. It is common to wear a simple dress and flats, or jeans and a cute top. It would be quite uncommon to see a girl out in 5 inch pumps and a cocktail dress. However, in Glasgow, girls are very "glam." High (high, high) heels, short dresses, spray tans, and lots (lots, lots, lots) of makeup. Basically, no matter how much makeup I put on, I stick out like a sore thumb.

We started out at Cafe November, which is a bar on top of a gorgeous mall called Princes Square. I had a delicious French Martini (that cost me an hour's wage at the Med School library).  This is where I began my search for Glasgow's most Glam Girl. Every time I go out in Glasgow, I am in awe of the fashion choices. Tube tops, barely-there dresses, leather booty shorts--I applaud the women for being so fearless!

This first young lady clearly represents why I stick out like a sore thumb: spray tans. I probably look like a ghost floating around the clubs, haha. Also, I believe I wear just as much (if not more) makeup than the average American girl. Although I apply double the amount before going out in Glasgow, I am still pale in comparison (literally, pale). 

 As we were leaving Cafe November, this young lady caught my eye. This outfit would actually be considered modest.

We then ventured to Sugarcube, a new club in Glasgow's City Centre. The age to get into clubs here is 18, so, of course, I was asked for my ID. While we were waiting in line, Ian told me that there was a rumor going around that Gerard Butler was seen at Sugarcube a few weeks ago. I'm not going to lie, my heart fluttered a little bit.

Gerard wasn't out, but it turned out to be a great night. Sugarcube played fun music and more importantly, the walls were GLITTER. Love! Ian ran into some pals from secondary school and the girl said I looked like one of the Olsen twins, which made me laugh a little bit.

People-watching is one of my favorite activities, and Glasgow is obviously the perfect place to do it. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a spray tan soon!



  1. Techno for life!

  2. I'm so enjoying reading your blog!! :-) You have a great writing style and it's fun to read about all your adventures!! We're in Vegas right now (which is a business trip for Kevin that I got tag along to), and I feel almost the same way about the styles here. I don't really wear much makeup and definitely don't wear stilettos. The only reason I don't stick out is because we're on the strip which is full of tourists. I do, however, probably look like a grandma. haha!! :)

  3. Haha I enjoy your blog, too!

    I bet Las Vegas is very entertaining for people watching. Enjoy your trip!!

  4. Glasvegas makes me laugh. Also, I am eagerly anticipating a full glam photo of you soon!!!! haha jk. Miss you!

  5. Well, a major thing on my TO DO list is to go out dressed like a glam girl! Haha should be a riot! Stay tuned!
