March 18, 2012

Halfway gone.

It honestly blows my mind that March (my halfway month) is going to be over in two weeks.

That means that Ian and I have (at most) onehundredandtwo days left together. 

My family is very, very close, so leaving them for six months has been a big deal. And it certainly hasn't been the easiest trip. Ian is in one of the toughest Master's programs at Glasgow Uni, which keeps him locked up in the Library 24/7 (and rightfully so). 

So, has it been worth it?

Absolutely, 100%, most definitely. 

There's nothing like being in the same country (and time zone) as your best friend. 

Tonight I watched the movie Like Crazy, and indie film about a British girl who studies in America and falls in love with an American. The rest of the movie is all about the ups and downs of their long-distance relationship. The airport goodbye scenes were all too familiar and left me with soggy kleenexes. 

So how do we do it?

Trust. I've never questioned where Ian is, what Ian is doing or who Ian is with. After all, how is he going to find the equivalent of Kelsey Fowler in Glasgow? Letsbereal.

Flexibility. The five hour time difference is a pain in the arse. Finding time for the both of us to sit in front of a computer on skype is very rare and phone calls are very expensive, so we whatsapp. Whatsapp is an app for the iphone/blackberry. It's basically free instant messaging (using wifi). 

From the very beginning of our relationship I have consistently worried about our deadlines. Christmas break apart, summer break apart, then a whole semester apart. But (slowly) I've learned that the time I spend worrying should be spent enjoying. "Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you have now was once among the things you only hope for."
     Haha. I'm sure you can understand why not seeing that face for six months is complete agony! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm slowly learning this too. I need to enjoy the now and quit stressing about what the future holds. This was a good reminder. But damn, it's going to be difficult. Thank you Kelsey.
