April 06, 2012

American Idiot.

Last night Ian and I met up with Ben and Chloe.

Ben is a riot. He is sarcastic and he keeps me laughing all the time! Chloe is a little ball of energy and really makes me feel at home because she reminds me of my dear friend Kivi.

We went to a new place (for me) called Kushion. It was packed!

If you've read my past posts, you know that I poke fun at people...a lot. Well, last night I did something really, really stupid, so I thought it was the perfect moment to poke fun at myself and tell you about it.

First of all, at the time of the embarrassing event, I had only consumed a few beverages. Alcohol did not play as big a role as you might think...

So, as girls always do, Chloe and I went to the ladies room.

Let me describe the scene.

Lots of people.

The toilet stalls had doors and they were the floor to ceiling kind, not the kind that you could crawl under (this is an important detail to remember).

I walked into the stall.

It was literally pitch black dark, no light whatsoever. 

I locked the door.

Did my bidnus.

Then I reached to the right to unlock the door and could not find the latch.

I felt around on the right hand side, still no latch.

Then I start to panic.

I thought the handle latch thingy fell off and I was trapped in the stall.

I try to push on the door, no luck.

It's a floor to ceiling stall, so I can't climb under the door, which I totally would have.

Ian is going to have no clue that I am trapped in here, Chloe is going to think that I left the bathroom. I could die in here-- in a bathroom stall, in a club, in Scotland.

Then I started to beat on the door.

People started beating back, asking me if I was okay.

"No I'm not okay, I'm stuck. I can't get the door open."

After trying to literally break down the door, I feel the handle latch thingy on the left hand side of the door.

Then I unlock the door, and walk out of the stall.

In America the handle is always on the right.  My bad.


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