June 22, 2012


I am sitting on my couch (at a way too early hour) watching Good Morning America and eating Frosted Flakes. I am still on Glasgow time, so I've been an early sleeper/early riser.

The trip home was supposed to be the easiest yet (flight-wise), but it turned out to be the most stressful.

The flight from Glasgow to Philadelphia was so long, and not for obvious reasons. I sat next to a woman from Missouri, who, ironically, also dates a Glaswegian. And boy was she a talker. She was just thrilled to meet someone "like her." She literally talked from take off to touch down, which I wouldn't have minded if I didn't plan on sleeping/watching episodes of RHOC.

When I touched down in Philadelphia, I discovered that I would have to re-check my checked bags. This would normally not be an issue, except I had two (big/heavy) suitcases, a backpack, and a rolling carryon (and only two hands). I tried to rent one of those luggage carts, but it wouldn't take my card...what a conundrum! Then, right there in the Philadelphia airport, I was visited by an angel. His name was Wayne. Wayne was an elderly, African American man who worked for the airport, but was looking to make some money on the side. He offered to get my bags re-checked for just $5. What a deal!

My flight from Philly to Charlotte got delayed by an hour, leaving me only five minutes to get to my flight to Chattanooga. They assumed I wouldn't make it, so they put me on a later flight, leaving me with a three-hour wait. However, they didn't understand just how bad I wanted to be home. When the plane landed in Charlotte, Kelbow made an appearance and made it to the gate just in time. Never underestimate the power of a girl who misses her mama!

So, that leaves me here....on the couch watching GMA. I am so happy to be home, yet so sad to not have Ian here. I know these six months will fly by, especially since I will be surrounded by such sweet family/friends.

As for the blog, I still have a few posts left from a few last minute trips we took. I'm not sure if I will continue the blog after that. After all, there's nothing too adventurers about a Southern Belle in the South, haha.

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