July 01, 2012

Final Destination: Part 2

After our little hike (to see big things), we drove just a little further to a very, very special place to this Harry Potter fan. 
Kayleigh kept saying that our destination was featured in the Harry Potter movies, so the whole day I kept looking for things like Hagrid’s Hut (which was also filmed in Scotland), the castle that Hogwarts was modeled after, or the Whomping Willow.
When we parked the car, I still had no clue what to look for...until I saw it. 
We were standing in front of the aqueduct that the Hogwarts Express travels on in two of the Harry Potter films. 

You can see it in this clip:

At one point we were even lucky enough to see a steam engine train travel on the aqueduct! Not even gonna lie, I imagined it was the Hogwarts Express. I was in Harry Potter heaven!

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