March 04, 2012

Conversation with a drunk.

I know I just posted something yesterday, but an event last night was too good not to write about.

I went with Ian's dad and uncle to visit him at work. He is a Blackjack Croupier (dealer) at Alea Casino.

Being from Georgia, I had never been in a casino before, so it was all very new! The casino was huge and gorgeous. Watching people blow 400 pounds in five minutes was entertaining.

While I watched Ian at his table, this middle-aged woman came up to me and grabbed me around the waist. To say that she was in my "bubble" would be an understatement...she was all over me. The minute she opened her mouth I literally choked because of her wine breath.

Here is our conversation:

Drunk: Wow! You look so concentrated. You must really know a lot about blackjack.
Me: No, I really don't know anything at all.
Drunk. WOW! Your accent! You definitely aren't from Glasgow!
Me: No, but you are very observant.
Drunk: Where are you from?
Me: America.
Drunk: Well, obviously. What part?
Me: Georgia.
Drunk: Georgia! Wow! That's where Atlanta is. On American Idol, all of the great singers come from Atlanta. You must be a great singer.
Me: No, not really.
Drunk: But you are so pretty, you must be able to sing.
At this point she is still holding me around the waist. All up on me.
Drunk: Why the hell are you in this miserable place (Glasgow)?
Me: Well, that guy right there. (Pointed to Ian)
Drunk: What? You are dating him? Oh wow! He is so handsome! You two are such beautiful people. Wow! Omg!
Me: Haha, thanks.
Drunk: How old are you?
Me: 21.
Drunk: How old is he?
Me: 24.
Drunk: When are you getting married?
Me: Not any time soon.
Drunk: Honey your time is running out. He is so handsome! You better get it while you got it. You aren't getting any younger.
Me: Oh okay.
Drunk: Take me for example, I married Bob when I was 20. Is he as handsome as your Ian? No. But he's rich. 
Me: Okay, well I'm going to go to the restroom now. It was nice to meet you.

And that, my friends, was the most awkward conversation of my life...well, if you don't count sorority recruitment conversations.

1 comment:

  1. I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Then this week I was watching The Voice with my mom, which reminded me of the American Idol comment. So I made her read this and she laughed out loud also. Sounds like you are having some unforgettable experiences! Love and miss you!
