March 03, 2012

Sweet Jesus.

I had my first test/paper submission on Thursday.
Lawd, this girl was a nervous wreck. 

The paper was for my Community Care Policy class, which I absolutely love! The professor is English, so I don't need subtitles in her class. She is also a brilliant professor! The paper was over the welfare shift that happened in the UK after the Thatcher Government took over. Very interesting stuff. Basically, this woman, Margaret Thatcher, became the first woman Prime Minister and the longest serving Prime Minister. She was a boss. If you don't feel like reading through tons of material on her, watch The Iron Lady. Anyways, I was basically in panic mode the whole week leading up to the due date. It's so nerve-wracking to do an assignment at another school because I don't exactly know what they are looking for. 
Times New Roman or Ariel? 12 font or 11? Double-spaced or single-spaced? Should I include a cover page? 
Who knows if I did it right! I hope I at least came close because the paper is worth half my grade.
One thing that I do like about this University is anonymized submission. You turn your paper into a box with a sheet that covers your name. This ensures that your paper gets graded and not you. Wish my second semester FYS professor used it.

The next class was just as frantic. We had a test over the first three lectures. It was basically just over the notes. No big deal, right? Well, she (awful, Shrek-sounding professor) handed out the tests and told us we would have an hour to finish. She wished us luck and we began the test. The test was very, very easy. I finished first, in thirty minutes. I quietly gathered my things and walked to the front of the room, towards my Shrek professor, who was standing with her mouth open. 
Shrek: Are yoo not well?
Me: What? No, I'm fine. I'm finished.
Shrek: Well I wood uv appreciated it if yud uv stayed in yer seat until everyone finished. Yoor bein distracting.
Me: Um, sorry. 
Shrek: Just go.
In America, it is customary to leave after you've completed your test. I wasn't aware that Scotland had a  different policy. My bad.

Needless to say, I am glad the week is over.

ADPi Mercer just added six new girls! Their Bid Day was Thursday and theme was Breakfast at Tiffany's. So jealous. Missing them made me buy these two gems:

Also, I ended the week with a fabulous date night! 

On Friday night went to Poncho Villas for some mexican food and margs. The stroll there was fantastic on its own. The weather was perfect!

Glasgow City Chambers (with an annoying glare).
I was skeptical about this restaurant at first because I come from Dalton, the Mexican capital of the world. The food was delicious and the strawberry margs were amazing. The only bad part about the restaurant was when they brought out the chips and salsa. There were literally six chips with a tiny thing of salsa. Haha I wish someone was there to catch my reaction on camera!
Chicken quesadillas with guac, salsa and a salad.
Ian got fajitas. Typical Brit put chips on them.

After dinner we went to Corinthian's Piano Bar for drinks. An artist named Michael Maclennan was playing...he was so great! We stayed for three hours listening to him play everything from Adele to Bruce Springsteen to Elton John. 

The night ended with an eventful train ride home. A random (drunk) guy dropped his sausage on the floor. He found out I was from Georgia and he asked if I knew of Brunswick, Georgia. Apparently his boat came from Brunswick, Georgia. Such a small world.


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