July 22, 2012

Kelsey lately.

I have been really busy with crafting, running and watching the bachelorette, so I have failed to update my blog (haha, such a busy/important life).

1. My brilliant boyf got a big boy job. While working the night shift at a casino and writing a dissertation in rocket science (aka Quantitative Finance), he managed to get the first job he interviewed for. The only word made for a person who accomplishes this is badass.
Who wouldn't employ this brilliant guy?
2. My little brother, Logan, just took his senior pictures. How is that even possible? I can't even believe that the little boy who loved the Land Before Time movies and dinosaurs is old enough to be a senior in high school. I am so proud of him and I can't wait to see all of the wonderful things he is going to do with his life!

3. Southern belle + sorority girl does not equal crafty. There is definitely a stereotype about southern belles and sorority girls...apparently we like to craft. Because of this, I have attempted some crafts this summer. Along with the glitter wine glasses, I decided to copy the Charleston Belle's DIY chevron bulletin board. It turned out cute but I hated the whole process: ironing the fabric, tediously lining up the pushpins, deciding what to do with the extra fabric...I, Kelsey Fowler, am not a crafter and I am okay with it.

4. I completed my first 5k. Had a blast this past weekend running my first 5k...expect a blog on that one later.

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